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Tarbell 60: More Unique Mysteries

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  • Description
This lesson contains more unique mysteries with many familiar... and some not-so-familiar... items. You'll learn how to make sense of unusual props.

Audley Dunham's Vanishing Coins:
A way to vanish multiple coins that fools not only the eyes, but also the ears.

Dunham's Floating Ping Pong Ball:
Learn one of life's most important lessons... how to impress your friends at a party with your mad levitating beer pong skills.

Rufus Steele's "A Flower For You"
A truly unique way to find and produce signed,

Ed Reno's Watch and Geranium
A borrowed object to impossible location... Could it be the shrub? Better check his roots.

Watch the Lemon
A strange arrangement of items instantly produces lemonade by completely removing the inside of a lemon without damaging the skin.

Popping Corn in a Hat & Tarbell's Quick Popper:
Two different ways to magically make popcorn... for one person or the whole group.

Gardner's "Card Through the Handkerchief":
A signed card penetration through the case and a cloth.

Carmen Damico's "Toss Over Card":
A very fooling 1 card across 

Stanley Jak's Good Luck Card:
Signed card to coin purse. Perfect for close up workers.

Himber's "Name Cards"
Find multiple cards using your spectators names.

Karrell Fox's "The Question is..."
A comedy card revelation with proper punctuation.

Leon Maguire's Newspaper Card Holder:
A stand-up, interactive pseudo-memory stunt using a one of a kind gimmick.

Tony Lopilato's "Yeast" Pack:
Inflate the deck to change the color of any named card.

Tony Lopilato's Sympathetic Silks
The Quick-Knot Silks
Tony Lopilato's Snappy Knotting Silks:

A bunch of bandanas are brought together with socio-political commentary, and magic knots, to inspire you to think beyond the trick.
Gene Tarbell's Rubber Band Off String:
Seymour Davis's Wand Through Handkerchief:
Wand Through the Hat:

A giant nail is used to make a convincing point with three perplexing penetrations before being bent bare-handed and presented to your participant.

Max Malini's Egg Bag
You'll learn the secret of the Malini Egg Bag causing an egg to vanish and re-appear with incredible ease.

So, get ready for another crazy lesson filled with strange and wonderful routines, re-imagined to appeal to a wide variety of audiences.
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